Intergenerational Dialogue 2022

Meaningful Youth Engagement Part 1

Prim Wong
6 min readJul 5, 2022

The Intergenerational Dialogue of Parliamentarians and Youth Advocates, whose theme discussed was “Meaningful Youth Engagement.” In the dialogue, youth advocates and parliamentarians engaged both virtually, physically and continued to consolidate the progress and the gaps in the Asia Pacific Region, dedicated to promoting the sustainable development and meaningful youth engagement. Moreover, the dialogue built on the implementation and policies during the Covid 19 pandemic in different countries along with meaningful youth engagement through various activities at community, national and regional level.

Intergenerational Dialogue of The Asian Parliamentarians and Youth Advocates On Meaningful Youth Engagement (2022)

Follow up on the 2021 Intergenerational Dialogue Recommendations and document progress

Key Recommendations in IGD 2021:
There are three main gaps address by youth in the IGD 2021.

1. Enabling Political Framework
Political Framework should have more collaboration and involvement between youth and government, and countries should have structured youth parliament/council to empower youth in all levels.

2. Needs
To ensure that youth have accessed and educated about digital competencies, as it changes the way knowledge and information is accessed, shared, and produced. Open dialogue between youth and parliament to ensure democracy and inclusive growth. Furthermore, all activities should ensure regular participation and engagement in youth and increase financial support regarding to youth development projects.

3. Inclusiveness
Youth in all levels, including the most marginalized group like the LGBTQIA+ and disabilities, should be involve and engage in decision making level. Additionally, a verified and secure platform that is youth friendly for youth to network, collaborate and raise awareness in the society.

Situation in Thailand:

Youth Council

Youth Council in Thailand representing views of young people in national level. They give young people a voice and enable them to make their views heard in the decision-making process. The Council creates an opportunity for youth to discuss their particular relevant concerns, engage with decision makers and community engagement contributing to improving young people lives.

We should ensure that Thailand Youth Council is comprised of students from a public, private and home school in a diverse area. Every youth in Thailand should have the information about Youth Council and actively participate to ensure that the call-to-action policy in the National level is inclusive and equitable to everyone.


The society must support every youth to make informed decision about the most important and personal issues in their lives and to fully exercise their rights. To ensure no discrimination and social stigma regarding to the reproductive health of youth. Every people in the society, including parents, teachers and youth, should be educated about SRHR and provide youth the supports. Furthermore, health care provider should provide quality counseling; as well as accurate and adequate information regarding SRHR.

Therefore, we should have more hand-on and interesting learnings that allow youth to understand their rights to make informed choices.


Although, there are gaps in education, good health and well-being along with SRHR. These gaps could be address with the use of technology, to connect with the most marginalized group, increase digital transmission of knowledge about SRHR, along with promoting lifelong learning and employment opportunities. The use technology is particularly effective as it increases the accessibility and privacy, so youth won’t be ashamed to ask questions.


It has been a great opportunity discussing the progress from IGD 2021, it was fruitful and interesting with different ideas and diverse viewpoints from Parliamentarians and Youth Advocate. Several countries have their national election of youth parliaments, commitment to respecting the participatory rights of young people, and youth engagement with decision-makers to implement policies adjusted to their needs. Youth demand still represents a profound challenge due to the traditional attitudes towards youth in most societies within most country.

Prohibition of Child Marriage Act in India, the Indian Parliamentarians state that they give incentive to unmarried young girls which reforms the early marriage. Therefore, this is a great act to address the prevalence of child marriage. Besides, the Parliamentarians suggested that youth should come forward to take action and be more involve in decision-making about their lives.

Furthermore, in Nepal, led holistic programs empowering the youth. Their national election is working to deliver on the promise of youth engagement as a substantive right for all children and youth. Also, the government of Nepal has agreed to decriminalize abortion and protect the sexual and reproductive health and rights (SRHR) of women and girls. Nepal is ensuring a comprehensive human right along with respect, protect and fulfil women reproductive health rights to access safe abortion services and safe motherhood.

In addition, the Sri Lanka parliamentarian states that they are progressing on youth engagement with the involvement of youth ideas, discussion, educating youth. Community participation and meaningful engagement of youth help them to be a potential citizen and contribute to their society.

In Philippines, they are ensuring inclusiveness on accessibility and gender equality on Digital competency. The development program of youth in vocational training should ensure a comprehensive education about digital competencies. Moreover, youth will tremendously benefit from its emerging power of digital technology, also, the skills are supremely essential and highly required for employment. Furthermore, they just have national election which will engage youth to make new policies. This is particularly important as it raises youth voices to the parliamentarians.

Bhutan is reimagined youth skills for an inclusive development and equipping young people with skills for employment, decent work, and entrepreneurship. Education and training systems are focused on develop skills such as adaptability, persistence, problem-solving, and digital skills, in addition to foundational literacy and numeracy as well as technical skills. Moreover, Bhutan is ensuring quality and competitive workforce through a holistic Technical and Vocational Education and Training TVET by Department of Technical Education that creates a more cohesive society and secures a stable economic future for all citizens. However, people in Bhutan have limited understanding of LGBTQIA+ and don’t accept same sex marriage.

In conclusion, countries in Asia Pacific regions are thriving toward an equitable, quality and inclusive live for youth. Specifically, according to the discussion, the use of education and access to adequate information are the keys to address the gaps and issues. Promotes the principle that youth are entitled to express their views on all matters that affect them and to have those views taken seriously. We believe that we can make changes together, with the collaboration of youth and parliamentarians.

Role of parliamentarians to address youth policies and legislation

Youth empowerment is very essential, and parliamentarians and youth should collaboratively engage and work together to make this world a better place.

Parliamentarians and youth collaboration

Unique contributions and inputs from all youth individuals will play an indispensable role in ensuring the policy is grounded in the perspectives and realities of young people. Promotion and Collaboration between youth and youth organizations, like youth council, will help shape the next steps for the inclusive recommendations adjusted to the needs.

Conducted surveys to better understand some specific issues, such as status of mental health and protection issues.

Besides, youth suggested a verified platform to gather their needs, meeting the youth network, about labor and employment, addressing SRHR, and their rights. In safety acts, youth should have both the right and the space where voices raise as a powerful means.

Government and policy makers should have inclusive social policies to address different needs and background. Furthermore, we should ensure that the youth council is inclusive, and all youth voices will be heard, and ideas have been developed to address the issues.

Likewise, Youth should know their rights and educate youth to protect themselves.



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