JSTP 24/3 Diary
At the last camp of JSTP 24, there were many exciting events. The main highlights of the camp were the beach, final presentation of fastinating projects, Thai sweets, music and the beach party!!! Particularly, we had fun at the camp and we are friend forever.
The Journey of JSTP 24/3 G10
I am grateful to have amazing team members who are open-minded, friendly and creatively collaborative. This is the journey of life in JSTP 24.
Presentation Day
5th April 2022
The morning is superb, there are many amazing projects and presentations by our friends in JSTP 24. Many people did a project about automation both in IoT device and Artificial Intelligence. Moreover, our friends also interested in Biology with the preservation of endanger species, Chemistry and Physics.
My project is 3RD EYE, the visionary AI for the blind.
3RD EYE will empower the blind, give them the independence with more access to information which promotes inclusive and equality in society using advancing AI technology. Moreover, 3RD EYE has been adopted according to the blind user requirements, with a thorough analysis of user experience and journey. This visionary device is made for Thai blind people and communicate in Thai language.
It is my pleasure to present 3RD EYE at the camp, I am very excited and looking forward to the demostration, I would like to thank Earth for voluteer to be the example of the blind user and Aj. Nick for letting me borrow the banknote.
Eventhough there are some technical issues for detecting Thai Banknote at the first time, but 3RD EYE managed to recognize the 100 Baht and 50 Baht banknote at the end. In the future, I will upgrade the 3RD EYE to be more seamless and wearable with higher accuracy of detection.
After the presentations, we had a break!!! I am super excited to play at the beach in Petchaburi. We took the JSTP 24 photos, individual and group pictures. Surprisingly, in group 10, there are 8 people but only 4 people are JSTP 24. Then, I went down with P’JAJA and P’MAY (they are my roommate). We took nice photos at the relaxing afternoon.
Then, it is dinner time! We have a special talk about sugar palm and the origin of Petchaburi.
Sugar Palm and Thai dessert
Trip on the 6th of April 2022
I woke up early in the morning and enjoy the sunrise view at the beach.
It is a nice trip to the sugra palm farm. We have Foi Thong (ฝอยทอง) and took photos together.
We planned to take pictures on the stage, since I’m in the last group (G10), we were the last to go on stage. It seems like the stage was shaking and wobbling, it moves back and forth, we thought that the stage is strong enough. I assumed that it is similar to the Millennium Bridge that wobble, like the resonance vibration of the brige. However, when we start to take a picture, the photo turn out to be the wrong way with the light which causes us to make 90 degree clockwise turn. BOOM! The stage collapse! The good moment is when everyone help each other and soon the Epic disaster make us more caring and helpful.
Later on, we continued our activity on observing the traditional way of Thai dessert using sugar palm.
At the Afternoon, we had a challenge to think about the futuristic Thai food.
In Group 10, we designed the ALua or ALlure integrated with technology and varied with shape, flavour and package. We planned to use AR, Augmented Reality, and Blockchain to advance the ALua target to international customers.
After dinner, we listened to a talk about Bio Arts and History by Henry Tan from freak lab. His projects are pretty inspiring.
Music Day
6th April 2022
Today we used a music creater program called ableton, which allows us to compose any music we want. In the morning, the session is about beat of drums by Aj. Kom.
Then, Aj. Nick teach us about waveform and fourier transform.
Behind the scene : after Aj. Vinai had a special talk …..
At night, we rehearsed the performance for the party and prepared the presentation of Thailand in the futuristic theme.
Future of Travel presentation by Group 10! We had the journey of JSTP 24/3 Video as well!
Historical Buildings and Temples Visit
Tour on the 9th of April 2022
I had a great time at the JSTP camp, looking forward to seeing you all again! :) Have a safe trip! Thank you so much everyone.