Travel to another world on a piece of paper.

Tree Test using Object Detection

Prim Wong
4 min readDec 20, 2021

“Conquer your mind
and Conquer the world
Guru Nanak

Your state of mind rule your world! Let’s travel to another world with your mind.

Journey to the never-ending possibilities

Every time you place your hand on the paper and start to draw something. Without realizing it, you already shed light on your emotions, show different aspect on your personality, self-esteem, and intelligence

I provide a stimulus instruction to draw a tree, the tree in your own thought. Let’s, take a minute and draw a tree on a blank sheet of paper.

Exploring your mind

WOW! I wonder what your tree look like! Let’s see what does your tree tell about you :)

Image courtesy

Capturing a tree, trying to draw them is taking out everything that we carry inside our mind…

Tree Represents

  • stability of the person
  • vulnerability and sensitivity
  • reveals the content of our unconscious
  • cognitive abilities


  • indicate the emotional and personal stability

Trunk | representation of inner strength

  • Thin trunk suggests very sensitive and delicate
  • Very wide truck implies impulsive and little capacity of self-control
  • normal proportions mean internal balance
  • Trunk formed by straight lines: a righteous person, with good capacity for abstraction.
  • Trunk with wavy lines: sociable, sweet and has no problems with sociability.
  • Trunks with dilatations, hollows, studs, protruding tips: presence of fears, traumas, contained emotions, inhibition

The tree branches reflect interaction with the physical and external environment. Furthermore, the branches may show the degree of social connectedness. A tree with no branches indicates, for instance, that the person has little contact with others.

The tree crown stands for ideas, thoughts, and self-concept.

In all cultures, all countries, trees are a mythological and emblematic figure that are entwined with human beings.

Object Detection model

In the project, I chose the yolov5 object detection model with 20 images dataset from my family and friends. This object detection model could identify the crown and the trunk of the tree.

YoloV5 is fast and precise object detection model.


I would like to thank my family, friends, classmates and teachers for all your help. Thank you very much for your time and effort.

Results and Recommendations


*This object detection models may not work for all trees, since the dataset size is very small.*


There are several approaches to improve the accuracy and make the model more reliable.


Approach 1 | The Perfect Solution

Train the dataset with model that identify the drawings, this will dramatically improve the result.

Collect Dataset from the internet and style transfer to the way that the person draw. Futhermore, you could also use machine learning model that can draw images from the picture to provide you with the larger dataset.

As we have a large number of dataset about 1000+ images, we could use auto labelling to reduce the human workforce. However, all these dataset must be recheck by the psychologist or expert to ensure that the model learn the right bounding box.

Approach 2 | Object Detection

Using the object detection model with very large number of dataset by using augmentation.

Approach 3 | Rule-Base

Figure out the math and statistic, and hard-code to the computer to detect the crown and the trunk. The challenge is figuring out the right rule. There would be tremendous trade off that the model can not detect the tree in the shape that they don’t know.



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